
Dancing With The Stars Promo - Jean Paul Bitar | برنامج رقص النجوم - جان بول بيطار

2018-09-21 12 Dailymotion

Dancing With The Stars Promo - Jean Paul Bitar | برنامج رقص النجوم - جان بول بيطار
جان بول بيطار/ لبناني
الوصيف الأول لملك جمال لبنان لعام 2014, عارض أزياء واختصاصي معلوماتية في إحدى الشركات اللبنانية, وناشط إنسانياً في جمع التبرّعات للأطفال المصابين بالسرطان.

Great look, great mind, great heart! This is Jean-Paul. Mister Lebanon first runner up in 2014 is also an IT developer and has a personal humanitarian project: sponsoring a child’s cancer treatment. He loves taking on new challenges and extreme sports such as mountain climbing and caving. Jean Paul used to think of dancing was somewhat dull but changed his mind when watching the previous seasons. He believed that trying to learn how to dance would match with his love of personal challenges.
Will the attractive, charming and sexy Jean-Paul be up to the challenges he will meet on the dance floor?

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